Aright ladies, kmrn sempet mengantuk ngantuk dan sekarang saya sudah segar bersemangat! akakak
yg belum di review itu ada 3; REVLON Photoready, Colorstay for oily/combination skin dan Photoready Concealer.
3. REVLON Photoready Foundation shade Golden Beige
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look the pink underlines... |
Oil-Free, Fragrance Free. it must be non acnegenic right?
tapi sayangnya, tiap kali saya pakai foundation ini, slalu muncul litlle little bumps di muka saya :(
bad to hear, i just use this foundation for special occasion dimana saya butuh wajah yg bling bling dan bersinar, biasanya buat dipakai malam hari, ke kondangan misalya. itupun pulangnya harus segera dibersihkan kalo ngga mau jerawatan.
warnanya 1 shade lebih gelap untuk kulit saya |
sebelum diblend, heavy coverage.
Kesimpulan saya :
+ medium-heavy coverage which is good for people with scars
+banyak warna pilihan shade, dan mengandung spf
+menggunakan pump, more higienis pastinya
+harga lumayan terjangkau, around 150K!
+gampang nge blendnya, cukup dengan jari, ga gampang kering
-makes me breakouts
-i think it's not suitable for oily skin,
baru 2 jam pake udah banjir keringet kalo ga di blot compact powder
-bling bling, i'm not a fan of it
-kurang natural, cocok untuk pesta dan kegiatan di malam hari
big NO NO for morning use, or sunlight expose
you will look worse than you ever think :p
4. REVLON Colorstay make up softlex for oily/combination skin
shade Natural Beige
botolnya masih konvensional, without pump!
pertama kali buka botolnya , cuma satu yang kecium, baunya...
baunya ngga enak ... entahlah
look the 2 sentences?
-wears for up to 16 hours? i'm not agree, for 6 hours i can feel my face so uncomfortable
saya ngeliat ke kaca dan muka saya mulai ga terkontrol, foundation nya tampak kering di wajah saya yg oily.
-Flawless look, (agree!) but not foe lightweight feel...
honestly, this foundation too heavy for everyday make up routine...but the good side is this foundation gives me a flawless look
which are between good and bad? uh?
would be a waste if you forget to close tight the open bottle :D
i choose the wrong shade (right?) this is like 2 shade lighter than my skin.
but after blend blend and blend
STILL GREYISH on my skin..
OMG. -___-"
but i love this product because it will make your skin flawless, the heavy coverage and you just need one layer for all.
i don't need concealer if i wear this foundation
maybe i will buy the right shade, but unfortunately... di sini pilihan shadenya ga selengkap yang diluar sana..mau ga mau mesi PO atau mesen online di sephora atau olshop luar...
5. REVLON Photoready Concealer in Light pale
(ini saya pake buat conceal under eye)
segi coveragenya lumayan banget, harga concealer ini juga murah ..kalo ga salah under 80K!
just so you know, ini juga berglitter
tapi so far saya suka concealer ini buat bkin cerah bawah mata...
kalo buat dark spot or blemishes
kayanya masih kurang nampol.
entahlah hehe.