Good Morning, Love! Pagi ini aku mau sharing tentang pengalaman aku saat melakukan filler treatment untuk pertama kalinya. Hah? Emang nggak sakit? Itu pakai jarum suntik kan? Bagian apa lagi sih Ul yang mau di filler? Jawabannya : BANYAK! Hahahahaha. Yah namanya wanita, pasti kita selalu ngerasa ada aja bagian yang kurang oke dan segala permasalahan kulit lainnya terlebih lagi di usia aku yang menjelang kepala 3 ini. To be honest, I'm so excited nulis blog kali ini, seperti yang kita tahu filler treatment tuh kaya lagi happening dan hasilnya langsung bisa terlihat setelahnya. Sebelum aku cerita bagian yang di-filler apa aja, kayanya kita mesti bahas dulu yuk filler itu apa dan bagian mana aja sih yang bisa untuk filler treatment.
Hi everyone, it's time to reviewing a product I got from Onecare Wellness, it's Praventac! Praventac is a natural food supplement that has been shown in clinical trials to help reduce the occurence and severity of acne, pimples and skin blemishes. The key ingredient of Praventac, Lactoferin. It's one of milk's many bioactive components with specific physiological effects to internally support a healthy complexion. Praventac works in two ways. First, it inhibits the growth of the propionibacterium, which is present on most people’s skin and is responsible for acne. This lessens the number of new spots forming. Second, Praventac’s anti-inflammatory properties mean that the size of spots is reduced and blemishes heal quicker resulting in a smoother complexion.