Blue will always being my favourite color! Now I wanna show you a make up look with heavy-blue-smokey eyes and also bold lips which is very rare. Usually people mix the balance of smokey eyes with nude lipstick, so it will be different option for you girls... choose what you want, be dare to different :p
Hello there! Now I wanna share a quick EOTD a.k.a Eyes Of The Day tutorial for you... It's colorful and so easy to do. You just need colorful eyeshadow palettes, eyeliner, and mascara! And don't forget the "blending part" and you are ready to rock the party! Let's follow simple tutorial-nya dibawah ini :
How are you my gorgeous friend? Nah kali ini aku mau kasih pictorial step by step untuk make up everyday ala-ala aku yang cuma butuh waktu 5-10 menit! Mudah-mudahan tulisan blog ini bisa berguna ya! Biasanya kita suka males dandan kalau kemana-mana, entah itu lagi enggak mood atau cuma males make up-an aja. Padahal dengan sedikit touch up, itu bakal enhance penampilan kamu. Enggak mau dong, ke mall and then orang-orang lihat wajah "bangun tidur" kamu? Make Up sepenuhnya bukan topeng kok, kita memakai make up juga bukan untuk terlihat fake alias palsu, tapi bagaimana mengeksplor bagian-bagian wajah yang bisa menonjolkan kecantikan kamu. Kamu bisa eksplor kecantikan kamu di beberapa titik di wajah kamu lho, contohnya di Alis, Tulang Pipi, Hidung, Mata dan Bibir.
Here we gooooo...
Hwaaa besok sudah bulan JULY! Hippieeeee...
Nah sekarang aku pengen kasih make up tutorial lagi dan yang pastinya sangat-sangat sederhana ladies, dan kali ini campur-campur gapapa ya? but most of all sih dalam bahasa Indonesia saja yaa, lagi moodnya berbahasa Indonesia... :D
Siapa sih yang ga kenal Emma Watson?
daripada banyak basa-basi who is she bla bla bla, sudah pasti semua kenal dan tau diaa...
jadi mendingan langsung saja yaaaa aku kasih gambar dia dan make upnya yang aku suka banget! ^^
Rambutnya, make upnya, earring+ kostumnya...
ya pasti dong ya, walk on red carpet! harus perfect lah !
jadi gimana sih biar bisa niru dandanannya emma watson kali ini?
Good night ladies, how's your day?
Now I want to do a make up tutorial for Glamour Make Up Look, This time is inspired by the most famous woman in the world, Marilyn Monroe.
hahaha, I Love her signature face, so sexy and what can I tell about her?
She's perfect.
I don't create the exact hairstyle or make up from her, I just create her "beauty mark" and bold red lips.
She's effortlessly beautiful, such as a living doll, She's magnificient.
source : google |
source: google |
She's glamour.
*How to do make up for glasses wearers *
1. Wear a simple makeup, not too much or heavy make up :)
2. Use a neutral color of eyeshadow, peach is also good to make your eyes appear brighter :)
3. Create a winged eyeliner to make a magnifying eyes :)
Today, I wanna create make up look inspired by nature.
I love pink rose... honestly i don't like flower but this is the exception :)
and the ocean... i love ocean... my favourite place when i feel upset, down or just need a relax.
the blue water and the sand... they're the bestfriend i ever seen...
love, sunsetdaze
i'm using 2 colors for eyeshadow : pearl and light blue |
You just need 2 steps below!