Good Morning, Ladies! Happy Saturday yaa... wah seneng banget hari ini aku bisa santai-santai di rumah. Sehabis sarapan sepotong roti keju dan secangkir kopi susu, seger! Hari ini aku engga keluar rumah karena memang aku lagi mau istirahat. Full time, pampered myself with
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Hmm, ok ok kayanya sudah hampir 3 bulan engga belanja make up, eh tapi bulan kemarin sempet beli Revlon CS Whipped Creme Foundation sama Silky Girl Pen Eyeliner, tapiii ituu namanyaa bukan belanja ya? hihi itu sih cuma beli aja, cuma 2 items
Wrote by Sha Aullia
“What you do, the way you think, makes you beautiful.” ― Scott Westerfeld, Uglies Face  Tony Moly Real Essence Foundation SPF 27 PA++ Revlon Aqua Mineral Make Up Eyes Revlon 12hr e/s  Silkygirl Precious Sharp Eyeliner Pen in black Mac e/s "embark" for the eyebrows Maybelline
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Wrote by Sha Aullia
 Hey, beauty readers... post kali ini hanya iseng-iseng kelanjutan dari post sebelumnya disini , this is my RED and NERD LOOK, hope you like my make up! :) Adonan sih masih ga berubah, like my previous post, cuma ini lipstiknya antara in the
Wrote by Sha Aullia
About two weeks ago, I bought this foundation at Pondok Indah Mall, South Jakarta. I paid for 179.000 rupiahs, It's afordable for me and the bottle size is medium, maybe it's lasting for a couple months. The bottle was light-weight feeling in my
Wrote by Sha Aullia
a simple make up for flirty look with glasses! only 3 minutes to prepare :)
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Wrote by Sha Aullia
*How to do make up for glasses wearers * 1. Wear a simple makeup, not too much or heavy make up :) 2. Use a neutral color of eyeshadow, peach is also good to make your eyes appear brighter :) 3. Create a
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Today, I wanna create make up look inspired by nature. I love pink rose... honestly i don't like flower but this is the exception :) and the ocean... i love ocean... my favourite place when i feel upset, down or just need a
Wrote by Sha Aullia