Wrote by
Sha Aullia
I got the samples of 3 bbc when i bought Lioele Bubi Bubi mascara, and this is my Face Of The Day using LIOELE TRIPLE SOLUTION BBC sample, I can say this product is superb!
Many of BB Cream give a light coverage and sheer, but this is not. This is super blendable and give you a medium-full coverage. I LOVE THIS UNTIL ...
This is how i look
But this bbc really give a good coverage! that's awesome.
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
To be honest, i bought this bbc because the spf, ya it has spf50! which is good i think for tropic climate like in Indonesia ,super HOT country! :D
before i decide to buy it , i am so confused because there's no tester available.. i bought it at Hypermart , the closer store from my place. TESTER? NO TESTER? yes i am serious. i am just looking by the packaging and don't know about the shade and poor me this bbc only in one shade and the shade is TOO PALE WHITE for my skin, i wish i know the shade before buy this bbc :( so sad, it was because there's no TESTER , once again there's no tester! uurghhh.
so for you, bbc lovers.. if you interested to buy bbc, test the sample before and it's a must!! because NO TESTER is like buying a cat inside a sack, BIG NO NO :(
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see?? my skin turn so WHITE/ GREYISH/PALE?? you decide it! |
For people who have a fair skin or ivory shade..maybe this bbc is fine for you...
now i'm just let this bbc stand up so calm in my toilet case... i won't use this because i don't want to look like a zombie... my fskin is yellow undertone. i am regret buying this, but what can i say?
IDR around 100.000 rupiahs-150.000 rupiahs *forgot*
what i love about this product :
can i say nothing?
what i hate about this product :
give your face whitecast
too sheer and no coverage for acne marks/scars
even though a tiny bump it can't be hidden with this bbc
only one shade
rate : sorry to say but i'm only give 1 point from 5
1 for the spf only :(
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
....you can't play with my heart!
Now i want to show all of you my Face Of The Day with - TONYMOLY BABY DOLL BB FOUNDATION 02 and TONYMOLY Cristal Blusher in 02 pleasure pink
if you're interesting about this product you can see my full post about that foundation here
what i used:
TONYMOLY Baby Doll BB foundation 02
Revlon Aqua Mineral Make Up #medium
TONYMOLY Cristal Blusher in 02 pleasure pink
Beautistyle lipstick in french look
Nivea pinkish boost for moisturize my lips
Maybelline magnum mascara
Silky Girl gel black eyeliner
Silky Girl gel black eyeliner
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
Today i wanna share my thought about TONYMOLY BABY DOLL BB FOUNDATION 02.
i bought this yesterday at Pondok Indah Mall, South Jakarta. The price is very affordable, it's only 109.000 rupiahs. This is how it looks :)
*you can click the pics for larger size*
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you can see the swatch on my hand and it blends very light and natural coverage. |
And this is My face without any concealer, just my bare face with the foundation, without edited!!! beware!! LOL :)
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i have a few scars and discoloration, this foundation give a natural finish look which is very light to medium coverage, it depend what the tools you use, brush or sponge or just with your finger :) |
This foundation would be a good choice for people who has a lil bit problem with skin, maybe a redness, or tiny pimples. but for people who needs more coverage, you should not wear this foundation, but maybe you could use this with concealer if you still want to try :)
What i love about this foundation :
- give my face a "natural" look
-the foundation is so light , i feel nothing when i wear this
-cheap price
-the fragrance, i smell somethin's .. like flowers, not sure :D
-very practice, travel friendly
-love the packaging, so simple
( i don't need to worry because it is not a bottle which is easy to crash )
-like a second skin when first time i applied on my face
-love the textures, not too thick and not too thin..
What i hate about this foundation :
-i hope it's available with many shade... i want a lighter shade honestly :D~
and nothing.
i just love it with my heart :)
rate : 5/5
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
Alright, kali ini aku mau me-review foundie yang baru aku beli...
IDR 140.000 Rupiahs
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
Ristra Balanced Foundation 01 A
Revlon Photoready Concealer #Light pale(undereye)
Revlon Aqua Mineral Powder Foundation #medium
Silky Girl Gel Black eyeliner
Revlon customeyeshadow
Maybelline magnum mascara
Red A lips #pink glitters
*psst , I'm an amateur make up lover ...so pls don't mind if you see any weirdness on my make up style :)
this theme , Sweet and Innocence, are suitable for date look or chill out with friends. The pink lipstic with glitters is "sweet" and the line of the eyes with bright white color of eyeshadow at the bottom of eyes is "Innocence" look from this make up. The make up is simple and not too much, you can do this make up just 5 minutes! wish you Have a nice day dear my girls!!
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
Yes! shopping!
ada apa dengan shopping?
ga ada apa apa...
hanya aja lagi banyak banget pengeluaran tak terduga bulan agustuss ini!! aaaa -_-"
tak terduga dalam arti beli sesuatu yang ngga jadi PRIORITAS.
dan rata2 yg dibeli itu MAKE UP/Beauty thingsss...
dan saya pun skg lagi keracunan salah satu brand KOREA yang baru buka counternya di Indo...
harga2nya affordable tapi tetep aja...kalo ditotal2 -__-"
ditunggu yaa review2 produknya...
yang pasti tetep harganya pas di kantong kok :)
hoahm, bobo yaaa...
bulan depan lanjut reviewnyaa deh, doakan aku semangat meriview yaaa :p
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
Eyeliner ini temasuk affordable dan praktis. terdapat kuas kecil yang menyatu sama tutup eyelinernya, that's a good point. Aku beli seharga 45 ribu rupiah saja. Bentuknya yang "mini" ternyata pas dibuka isinya lumayan lah... bisa untuk 1 bulanan (untuk aku), hampir sama kayanya kaya maybelline (dari bentuk kemasannya).
See? cuma selebar jempol tangan ukurannya haha... tapi isinya lumayan kok :)
eyeliner ini padat, ngga cair tapi mudah di blend... yang aku suka adalah kuasnya...
jadi kita ga perlu repot2 bawa brush secara terpisah kalau mau mekap di jalan :D
Di foto ini brushnya terlihat sedikit lebih besar dari aslinya, aslinya itu kecil banget sizenya... jadi bisa banget untuk aplikasi winged eyeliner, dan hasilnya lumayan rapih pake brushnya.
it's true..
aku ngebersihinnya mesti pake tissu basah 2 lembar -_-"
dan belum ngetes buat panas-panasan sih...
tahan/engganya jadi belum tau...
supaya kamu ngga kecewa.. ini FOTD yang menggunakan Silky Girl Gel Eyeliner ini
untuk si mascaranya, aku pake lioele bubi bubi mascara... untuk reviewnya bisa lihat disini :) |
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sorry for the flash, aku capture ini malem2 jadi ga bisa pake daylight :( |
rate aku 4/5
loves the gel textures (in fact , i hate liquid eyeliner because i always in a rush to do the make up, and liquid eyeliner need more time and time than the gel eyeliner).
loves the price (lebih bagus lagi kalo sale, hehe maunya teteupp lebih murah yaa :D )
praktis, bisa dibawa kemana2, mau travelling atau hangout malem hari, ga repot untuk touch up si eyeliner... soalnya kuas kecilnya udah nempel di tutupnya...
hates : emm.. waterproof..
entah kenapa aku lebih suka eyeliner dan mascara yg ngga waterproof..jadi gampang bersihinnya, ga mesti berkali2 kaya yg waterproof :D
tapi kayanya malah mungkin yg lain pada suka waterproofnya kali yaaa...
too small size, euuuuuhh berharap lebih besar sedikit..
price: 45.000 rupiahs
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
Maskara dari Lioele ini benar-benar electric blue, warnanya keluar banget saat diaplikasikan langsung ke mata, efek birunya benar-benar terlihat jelas dan yg aku suka dari maskara ini, selain harganya yg affordable..maskara ini juga engga bikin menggumpal.
lihat kan warna biru elektriknya? pertama kali saat mencoba di konter Lioele Pondok Indah Mall, aku udah naksir banget, saat pakai mascara ini, aku tidak perlu lagi pakai eyeshadow... si maskara benar-benar membuat efek eyeshadow dimataku (tentunya biru) :)
ini hasilnya di mataku...
the electric blue from this mascara's really electrifying my eyes.
i'm lovin it <3
and the rest of my make up (edited)
*california girls mv katy perry inspired*
and the rest of my make up (edited)
*california girls mv katy perry inspired*
loves the texture, nggak menggumpal dan mudah dibersihkan
cukup satu kali pengaplikasian ke bulu mata
memberikan efek biru yang "electric"
minus : belum di tes pas nangis, apakah luntur atau ngga, tapi kayanya mascara ini engga waterproof.. so, beware ya kalo mau cucimuka, terlebih dahulu bersihkan maskara ini biar ga luntur mengharu biru :D
IDR 75.000 Rupiahs
rate : 5/5
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
Aright ladies, kmrn sempet mengantuk ngantuk dan sekarang saya sudah segar bersemangat! akakak
yg belum di review itu ada 3; REVLON Photoready, Colorstay for oily/combination skin dan Photoready Concealer.
3. REVLON Photoready Foundation shade Golden Beige
look the pink underlines... |
Oil-Free, Fragrance Free. it must be non acnegenic right?
tapi sayangnya, tiap kali saya pakai foundation ini, slalu muncul litlle little bumps di muka saya :(
bad to hear, i just use this foundation for special occasion dimana saya butuh wajah yg bling bling dan bersinar, biasanya buat dipakai malam hari, ke kondangan misalya. itupun pulangnya harus segera dibersihkan kalo ngga mau jerawatan.
warnanya 1 shade lebih gelap untuk kulit saya |
sebelum diblend, heavy coverage.
Kesimpulan saya :
+ medium-heavy coverage which is good for people with scars
+banyak warna pilihan shade, dan mengandung spf
+menggunakan pump, more higienis pastinya
+harga lumayan terjangkau, around 150K!
+gampang nge blendnya, cukup dengan jari, ga gampang kering
-makes me breakouts
-i think it's not suitable for oily skin,
baru 2 jam pake udah banjir keringet kalo ga di blot compact powder
-bling bling, i'm not a fan of it
-kurang natural, cocok untuk pesta dan kegiatan di malam hari
big NO NO for morning use, or sunlight expose
you will look worse than you ever think :p
4. REVLON Colorstay make up softlex for oily/combination skin
shade Natural Beige
botolnya masih konvensional, without pump!
pertama kali buka botolnya , cuma satu yang kecium, baunya...
baunya ngga enak ... entahlah
look the 2 sentences?
-wears for up to 16 hours? i'm not agree, for 6 hours i can feel my face so uncomfortable
saya ngeliat ke kaca dan muka saya mulai ga terkontrol, foundation nya tampak kering di wajah saya yg oily.
-Flawless look, (agree!) but not foe lightweight feel...
honestly, this foundation too heavy for everyday make up routine...but the good side is this foundation gives me a flawless look
which are between good and bad? uh?
would be a waste if you forget to close tight the open bottle :D
i choose the wrong shade (right?) this is like 2 shade lighter than my skin.
but after blend blend and blend
STILL GREYISH on my skin..
OMG. -___-"
but i love this product because it will make your skin flawless, the heavy coverage and you just need one layer for all.
i don't need concealer if i wear this foundation
maybe i will buy the right shade, but unfortunately... di sini pilihan shadenya ga selengkap yang diluar sana..mau ga mau mesi PO atau mesen online di sephora atau olshop luar...
5. REVLON Photoready Concealer in Light pale
(ini saya pake buat conceal under eye)
segi coveragenya lumayan banget, harga concealer ini juga murah ..kalo ga salah under 80K!
just so you know, ini juga berglitter
tapi so far saya suka concealer ini buat bkin cerah bawah mata...
kalo buat dark spot or blemishes
kayanya masih kurang nampol.
entahlah hehe.
Wrote by
Sha Aullia

Hi Babes!
I am Sha Aullia, Capricorn and born in Jakarta, 27 December 1989. I am from Indonesia and live in Jakarta. Beach admirer, leather jacket and makeup junkie. Blogging since 2012 until now. My blog is about travel, beauty, fashion etc. I accept any endorsement/collaboration/paid project related to lifestyle content. Sponsored post or not, all opinions are as always truthful and based on my personal experience. Thank you!
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