Wrote by
Sha Aullia
Honestly, I'm a conventional for carry things into my bag...
sure I don't bring the barbie ( -_________- )/
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
Talk about July, Hey welcome to my life Julz!
hihihi, you know, It's been hard -lately...
so I hope with your present, It will be GOOD? ok? deal?
Hey July, you know what?
June was so hard for me, I always pray for your coming everyday.
I don't hate June, but I told June to be nice... But June wasn't nice
I don't mean anything, I don't say June is bad but..
July, I want you to know what's on my dream...
what's on my wishlist
what's on my brain...
I don't force you to do all of my request
I just wanna you know...
because I want you to be my bestfriend...
ok, :)
My dream is simple, don't hate me because I was born in December...
but yeah, I am a capricorn.
I am selfish, hard like stone.
I just wanna live with peace life,
I just wanna happy everyday,
I just wanna marry with someone I love this year...
Why I wanna marry this year?
It's because I have been hurt all this time.
as always, people always hurt me.
but you won't , don't you? :)
I am so tired.
I'm kinda relationship-depressed
I'm really lost, yes I'm lost.
I'm in hurry, I do not want spend a wrong relationship again.
who loves me , who likes me
just marry me, and I will accept him
I'm sick enough in a wrong relationship, I wanna be a better person
shall we?
July, I don't need somebody who hate me
I don't need people who want to change me
I just need ordinary man, who the simplest man
in this world
to propose me soon...
you know what I want? The new ones, not my ex or anyone I ever knew...
I've told you all my dream,
what's on my wish
what's on my brain...
Thank you July for listening
I love you, so you won't hurt me, don't you?
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
Hwaaa besok sudah bulan JULY! Hippieeeee...
Nah sekarang aku pengen kasih make up tutorial lagi dan yang pastinya sangat-sangat sederhana ladies, dan kali ini campur-campur gapapa ya? but most of all sih dalam bahasa Indonesia saja yaa, lagi moodnya berbahasa Indonesia... :D
Siapa sih yang ga kenal Emma Watson?
daripada banyak basa-basi who is she bla bla bla, sudah pasti semua kenal dan tau diaa...
jadi mendingan langsung saja yaaaa aku kasih gambar dia dan make upnya yang aku suka banget! ^^
Rambutnya, make upnya, earring+ kostumnya...
ya pasti dong ya, walk on red carpet! harus perfect lah !
jadi gimana sih biar bisa niru dandanannya emma watson kali ini?
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
Hmm, ok ok kayanya sudah hampir 3 bulan engga belanja make up, eh tapi bulan kemarin sempet beli Revlon CS Whipped Creme Foundation sama Silky Girl Pen Eyeliner, tapiii ituu namanyaa bukan belanja ya? hihi itu sih cuma beli aja, cuma 2 items aren't shopping are we? :))
Nah rencananya weekend ini mau ngemall cantik dulu dan mau belanja make up yang pastinya affordable price ya produknya, biar dapet banyaaak! nah berhubung aku orangnya suka lupaan-noted, jadilah kayanya mesti buat List of Products yang mau dibeli, kayanya biar lebih "beli yang dibutuhkan, bukan beli yang diinginkan" bener ga? hehehe
Berhubung kayanya ngemallnya ke PIM a.k.a Pondok Indah Mall, kayanya sih Insya Allah udah khatam beauty counter mana aja yang mau aku datengin hihihihi... cuma 2(Dua) saja kok soalnya :))
Kebetulan Revlon lagi ada promo bulan ini sampai 9 Juli, yaitu pembelian produk senilai 250rb dapet disc 15%, yah promonya ga jedaar banget sih ya, bagi yg berminat silahkan cek aja di facebooknya Revlon Indonesia yaaa...
The Products I wanna buy :
Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain "Lovesick" IDR80.000
Revlon Colorstay Aqua Mineral Make Up IDR160.000
Revlon Colorburst Lipgloss "Crystal Lylac" IDR 70.000
My favourite korean product in Town! hehehe karena JYJ yang jadi Superstar Campaignnyaa, wohooo I'm a big big fan of JAEJOONG! huwaaaa >.<
Lagi ada promo juga bulan Juni ini, tapi engga begitu jelas...ada promo atau engga aku pasti mampir dong kesitu! heiheiiii...
The Products I wanna buy :
Tony Moly Cat Winks Mascara (I don't know for sure but maybe around 7 Dollars?)
Tony Moly Lip Tint -Red Apple
(correct me if I'm wrong about the price? uh-eh) \^.^/
jadi budget yang dibawa besok untuk make up kira-kira IDR 500.000 saja dan harus cukup!
buy the things you need, not the things you want
remember? :p
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
Having a Lunch, ladies? enjoy your lunch meal! ^^
You know what I'm talking about, yes it's about D.I.Y for my oily face and acne-prone skin.
What's D.I.Y? Maybe you've already known it's an abbreviation/acronym from Do It Yourself, maybe some people don't know the whole meaning from D.I.Y for beauty concerns.
D.I.Y Do-it-yourself, homemade, for anything, it could be an art, handcraft, make up or for benefit your beauty. The one I told is concerned for beauty, it's like beauty regimen but with my own thought and homemade. I have an oily skin, acne prone, large pores and sensitive skin, sometimes after burnt from the sun my skin will get redness in some areas, my skin always response some allergic reaction if it doesn't suitable with my skin condition, sometimes because the skincare, make up either.
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photo : geniusbeauty.com |
I always want to do some D.I.Y beauty regimen for make my face healthier and fresh!
and thanks for Google! because there are so many recommendation beauty regimen when I search the keywords "D.I.Y for oily skin" and it helped me much.
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
Lost in the valley of the night? It is the music of a people
Who are climbing to the light.
For the wretched of the earth. There is a flame that never dies.
Even the darkest night will end. And the sun will rise.”
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
Good night ladies, how's your day?
Now I want to do a make up tutorial for Glamour Make Up Look, This time is inspired by the most famous woman in the world, Marilyn Monroe.
hahaha, I Love her signature face, so sexy and what can I tell about her?
She's perfect.
I don't create the exact hairstyle or make up from her, I just create her "beauty mark" and bold red lips.
She's effortlessly beautiful, such as a living doll, She's magnificient.
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source : google |
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source: google |
She's glamour.
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
“What you do, the way you think, makes you beautiful.”
― Scott Westerfeld, Uglies
― Scott Westerfeld, Uglies
Tony Moly Real Essence Foundation SPF 27 PA++
Revlon Aqua Mineral Make Up
Revlon 12hr e/s
Silkygirl Precious Sharp Eyeliner Pen in black
Mac e/s "embark" for the eyebrows
Maybelline Magnum Mascara
Beautistyle Matte Lipstick "french look"
** And my awkward-random poses with this make up **
with big hug,
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
Hello ladies! ini post pertama aku buat ikutan Make Up Challenge dari Indonesian Beauty Blogger bulan Juni ini, temanya " COLOR YOUR STYLE" dan yang langsung kebayang di imajinasi aku itu summer bright colors! yippie! dan kayanya pas banget kalo aku juga tambahin nuansa warna-warna electric seperti biru? aaah udah kebayang! fyi, aku lebih suka gaya dandanan yang terlihat cool atau rocks dibanding cute atau imut atau sebagainya... hehehe jadi maklum ya kalau make up creation-ku lebih menonjolkan karakter wajahku sendiri, bukan meniru gaya yg lagi in atau lagi ngetrend. Ngga tau kenapa, aku lebih suka make up yang tegas, dibanding soft. Balik lagi ke personality ya, Make Up is my passion so... semoga kamu juga suka gaya make up aku yang jauh dari kata cute-- hehe
Berhubung ini pertama kalinya aku ikutan, aku ngga terlalu banyak berharap menang sih, secara beauty blogger lainnya jauh lebih jago daripada aku yang amatiran inii... tapi sedikit berharap menang juga bakal menyenangkan! nambah koleksi make up dari Misslyn kayanya bakal menambah semangat aku untuk ber-FOTD ria hehehe..semoga yaaa :p
Jadi kali ini make up fokusnya lebih ke mata untuk full color, pipi aku biarkan semu pink dan lipstick warna coral yang cuma aku olesin tipis2 di tengah bibir...
Eyeshadow hijau muda aku oleskan diujung mata hingga ke pelipis, tekhnik ini honestly bukan dari mana-mana, tapi ya namanya lagi melukis wajah jadi biarkan yaa agak sedikit abstrak mukaku! hehehe
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
I bought this one when nearly ran out from my (HG) Silky Girl Gel Eyeliner . The packaging is similar to a pencil eyeliner which is this sharper than the pencil, just like a pen/spidol.
This claimed :
Highly pigmented, comes in blackest black for intense and even lines
Glides on easily, quick drying, smudge-proof an last up to 14 hours of wear
The swatches :
My old HG Silky Girl Gel in 01 Black is very black and the eyeliner pen is just Black
still love my old one :p
But this Sharp eyeliner pen is good too for you who love a simple eyeliner, easy application and smudge-proof.
The price is same as the gel one, It's around 45.000 rupiahs
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
Hey everyone! It's been a while since I bought my last make up haul, so I want to do a quick impression, swatch and FOTD for this post. Yesterday I bought Revlon Colorstay Whipped Creme Foundation and Silky Girl Precision Sharp Eyeliner Pen 01 Blackest Black. But I wanna do the post about the whipped creme first, let's start ! :)
The packaging is so-so. It's not that bad or too good. The smell of this foundation is a lil bit annoying for me when I apply on my face, I don't know what kind of smell but honestly I don't like that smell. I choose the shade Warm Golden, I've tried the Medium Beige before and That's shade too light for my face. My face is lighter than my neck so I need the darker shade. If the tone of my face as same as my neck, for sure I'll choose the Medium Beige.
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
Count how many I've tried a new hairstyle every decade? hahaha...
Long Wavy, Straight Black Short, Pixie Haircut, Medium Curly with bangs, Braided Style, and so on
Long Wavy, Straight Black Short, Pixie Haircut, Medium Curly with bangs, Braided Style, and so on
Wrote by
Sha Aullia
I'm officially add the saturation and vibrance effect to make sure you can look the bronzer areas.
with natural lighting
Wrote by
Sha Aullia

Hi Babes!
I am Sha Aullia, Capricorn and born in Jakarta, 27 December 1989. I am from Indonesia and live in Jakarta. Beach admirer, leather jacket and makeup junkie. Blogging since 2012 until now. My blog is about travel, beauty, fashion etc. I accept any endorsement/collaboration/paid project related to lifestyle content. Sponsored post or not, all opinions are as always truthful and based on my personal experience. Thank you!
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