Siaaaang my beautiful ladies, gimana puasanya? masih kuat ga? kuaaat dong yaa? bentar lagi kan lebaran ^-^ hehehe, ga berasa ya... tinggal satu minggu-an lebih kita udah berlebaran. Nah kali ini aku mau kasih quick laporan tentang beauty class yang diadakan oleh Revlon
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Good Night ladies... uhm..maybe I want to say a lil bit about my make up look today. Makeup kali ini cocok banget buat yang mau agak glamour dengan nuansa gold di mata, khususnya occasion tertentu...misalnya Hari Raya besar atau buat Party Makeup Look?
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Heyhey my marvelous, back to another First Impression's post ! udah lama enggak mereview atau ngasih first impression about makeup product, so this is it... Kebetulan banget and luckily me, I win a twitter contest by +makeoverid and it's unbelieveable... I get the direct message
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Alright my beautiful ladies, now I want to show a different makeup look from me. I don't create a tutorial for this look, lemme know if you want me to do that, ok? :) This is called My Romantic Makeup Look, this is
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Ya tuhaaaan rasanya mager banget nulis post aja daritadi, buka leptop niat mau nulis ga jadi-jadi, malah keseruan cek twitter dan browsing. By the way, saya sedih banget! barusan denger kabar Cory Monteith, iyaaaaaa iyaa pacarnya Lea Michele, yang jadi Finn Hudson di
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Wohoooooo, super excited this time! Lagi iseng-iseng buka fb and dapet inbox from my ladies... yaaa, temen beauty bloggerku yang kece-kece dan super kreatif! ahahaha Jadi ceritanya kali ini kita mau buat Collaborative Look yang temanya " Wild Animal Look" , udaaah kebayaang
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Sebenernya make up look kali ini dibuat minggu yang lalu, tepatnya saat saya sedang mengalami yang namanya patah hati  -.-" Dan engga tahu kenapa, saat lagi mellow-galau malah rasanya pengen mainan make up terus. Lumayanlah jadi lebih teralihkan dan sangat bisa merubah suasana
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Yeay another make up challenge AGAIN! ahaaa.. pas banget aku lagi hyper banget sama challenge-challenge an jadi mau ikutaan lagi nih hehehe walaupun challenge di bulan Juni aku ngga masuk 5 besar, but It's very very alright... aku tetep seneng dan akan terus
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Honestly, I'm a conventional for carry things into my bag... sure I don't bring the barbie ( -_________- )/
Wrote by Sha Aullia


/  1.7.13
Talk about July, Hey welcome to my life Julz! hihihi, you know, It's been hard -lately... so I hope with your present, It will be GOOD? ok? deal?  Hey July, you know what? June was so hard for me, I always pray for
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Hwaaa besok sudah bulan JULY! Hippieeeee... Nah sekarang aku pengen kasih make up tutorial lagi dan yang pastinya sangat-sangat sederhana ladies, dan kali ini  campur-campur gapapa ya? but most of all sih dalam bahasa Indonesia saja yaa, lagi moodnya berbahasa Indonesia... :D Siapa
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Hmm, ok ok kayanya sudah hampir 3 bulan engga belanja make up, eh tapi bulan kemarin sempet beli Revlon CS Whipped Creme Foundation sama Silky Girl Pen Eyeliner, tapiii ituu namanyaa bukan belanja ya? hihi itu sih cuma beli aja, cuma 2 items
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Having a Lunch, ladies?  enjoy your lunch meal! ^^ You know what I'm talking about, yes it's about D.I.Y for my oily face and acne-prone skin. What's D.I.Y? Maybe you've already known it's an abbreviation/acronym from Do It Yourself, maybe some people don't
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Lost in the valley of the night? It is the music of a people  Who are climbing to the light. For the wretched of the earth. There is a flame that never dies. Even the darkest night will end. And the sun will rise.”  ― Victor Hugo, Les
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Good night ladies, how's your day? Now I want to do a make up tutorial for Glamour Make Up Look, This time is inspired by the most famous woman in the world, Marilyn Monroe. hahaha, I Love her signature face, so sexy and
Wrote by Sha Aullia
“What you do, the way you think, makes you beautiful.” ― Scott Westerfeld, Uglies Face  Tony Moly Real Essence Foundation SPF 27 PA++ Revlon Aqua Mineral Make Up Eyes Revlon 12hr e/s  Silkygirl Precious Sharp Eyeliner Pen in black Mac e/s "embark" for the eyebrows Maybelline
Wrote by Sha Aullia
Wrote by Sha Aullia

Quote Of The Day

/  10.6.13
“God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.”  ― Elbert Hubbard
Wrote by Sha Aullia
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