Hey my fabolous ladies! Since I didn't write much about fashion on my blog, let me brings all of you into my favourite designer this month! Yes, Erin Fetherston! I love how she mixes and matches the flavours of her sense of fashion.
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Sha Aullia
Alright, today I wanna share you what I've done this past few days. I created two different make up looks, one is lavender inspired, which purple-ish smokey eyes with pink lipstick. And the other one is Dark Smokey Eyes with Nude Lipstick.
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Sha Aullia
Quote Of The Day
“It’s probably not just by chance that I’m alone. It would be very hard for a man to live with me, unless he’s terribly strong. And if he’s stronger than I, I’m the one who can’t live with him. … I’m neither smart
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Sha Aullia
Hey my beauty readers, How's your day? Hope everything's good and nice yaa... I hope you more excited for this one, because now I want to share you about my makeup collaboration with my makeup gurus I adore... They're Endi Feng and Catra
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Sha Aullia
Siang semuanyaaa... Selamat hari Rabu! Semoga sehat-sehat selalu dan diberikan kebahagiaan di hari ini dan seterusnyaa yaa hehe amin! Baiklah, kali ini aku bakal menulis tentang beberapa hal penting yang harus kamu ketahu tentang makeup, bukaaan... bukan! aku bukan professional makeup artist, aku
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Sha Aullia
Hello ladies! Now I want to share about my makeup look inspired by The Prettiest and Sexiest Woman on the Earth, Scarlet Johansson! Here's now I want to show you my makeup look inspired by her! Don't even compare me with her, please?
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Sha Aullia

Hey hey, I'm back with another tutorial for #looxchallenge bulan ini! Yes :) This time I will recreate my look yesterday, I will do a tutorial for this look. I will be a Batman! Nah, kali ini aku engga sendirian karena buat Looxchallenge
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Sha Aullia
ACNE? JERAWAT? Siapa sih yang engga gemes dengan hal yang satu itu? Bahkan beberapa orang yang sudah frustasi akhirnya memilih untuk ke dokter kulit dengan harap-harap bisa menyembuhkan jerawatnya. Tentu hal tersebut bukan hal yang salah, bagi beberapa orang yang memang sudah mengalami
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Sha Aullia
Kali ini aku hanya memberikan swatch dan gambaran singkat saja, engga ada review atau semacamnya. From Left to Right : 1. Revlon Big Brush Mascara 2. Revlon Colorburst Lipstick "Candy Pink" 3. Revlon Colorburst Lipstick "Petal" 4. Revlon Colorstay 500 Addictive Eyeshadow 5.
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Sha Aullia
And that got me thinking... I couldn't remember exactly when I started blogging about all the beauty product or my makeup of the day or my makeup challenge, but honestly I have been enjoying all of this. I can't believe I have been
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Sha Aullia
Siaaaang my beautiful ladies, gimana puasanya? masih kuat ga? kuaaat dong yaa? bentar lagi kan lebaran ^-^ hehehe, ga berasa ya... tinggal satu minggu-an lebih kita udah berlebaran. Nah kali ini aku mau kasih quick laporan tentang beauty class yang diadakan oleh Revlon
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Sha Aullia
Holaaaaaa beauties... And again, me...Join the challenge! Ihihihihi emang dasar ya susah kalo hobi corat coret muka, jadinya bawaannya pengen bereksperimen terus dengan muka ini hahaha :)))
Jadi ceritanya abis main-main ke blognya Endi, yes.. click here to see his post. Doi nantang kita-kita alias Makeup Enthusiast buat ikutan challenge-nya yang kali ini bertemakan "CHOLA", wait wait.. What's CHOLA? Mari bersama-sama kita googling yak!!!
A chola is a firme hyna (latina) that wears a lot of makeup: thick eyeliner, liquid eyeliner on top going out of your eye dark brown or red lipstick and eyebrows drawn on or really thin.
Nah itu garis besarnya, mudah dipahami tapi membuat aku pribadi berfikir berkali-kali untuk bener-bener melakukan makeup ala Chola ini, why? masih grogi untuk tampil badass atau crazy.
Well, setelah bersemedi seminggu... mulai melihat kreasi-kreasi beauty blogger yang lain tentang challenge ini, akhirnya akupun memberanikan diri join THIS CHALLENGE!
Okaaaay maak Endi, I will join your challenge! and this is my version, inspired from the pretty lady Selena Gomez in her music video MTV EMA( Europe Music Awards) Promo.
Disini dia ngerap dan gayanya itu gangstaaa banget! you rawks selena! Dan inilah makeup "CHOLA" versi saya yang terinspirasi dari makeup-nya Selena Gomez di mv tersebut... |
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Sha Aullia

Good Night ladies... uhm..maybe I want to say a lil bit about my make up look today. Makeup kali ini cocok banget buat yang mau agak glamour dengan nuansa gold di mata, khususnya occasion tertentu...misalnya Hari Raya besar atau buat Party Makeup Look?
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Sha Aullia
/ 22.7.13
Heyhey my marvelous, back to another First Impression's post ! udah lama enggak mereview atau ngasih first impression about makeup product, so this is it... Kebetulan banget and luckily me, I win a twitter contest by +makeoverid and it's unbelieveable... I get the direct message
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Sha Aullia
FOTD - Romantic Makeup Look
/ 18.7.13
Alright my beautiful ladies, now I want to show a different makeup look from me. I don't create a tutorial for this look, lemme know if you want me to do that, ok? :) This is called My Romantic Makeup Look, this is
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Sha Aullia
Ya tuhaaaan rasanya mager banget nulis post aja daritadi, buka leptop niat mau nulis ga jadi-jadi, malah keseruan cek twitter dan browsing. By the way, saya sedih banget! barusan denger kabar Cory Monteith, iyaaaaaa iyaa pacarnya Lea Michele, yang jadi Finn Hudson di
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Sha Aullia
Wohoooooo, super excited this time! Lagi iseng-iseng buka fb and dapet inbox from my ladies... yaaa, temen beauty bloggerku yang kece-kece dan super kreatif! ahahaha Jadi ceritanya kali ini kita mau buat Collaborative Look yang temanya " Wild Animal Look" , udaaah kebayaang
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Sha Aullia
FOTD - Gold is falling away
/ 8.7.13
Sebenernya make up look kali ini dibuat minggu yang lalu, tepatnya saat saya sedang mengalami yang namanya patah hati -.-" Dan engga tahu kenapa, saat lagi mellow-galau malah rasanya pengen mainan make up terus. Lumayanlah jadi lebih teralihkan dan sangat bisa merubah suasana
Wrote by
Sha Aullia

Yeay another make up challenge AGAIN! ahaaa.. pas banget aku lagi hyper banget sama challenge-challenge an jadi mau ikutaan lagi nih hehehe walaupun challenge di bulan Juni aku ngga masuk 5 besar, but It's very very alright... aku tetep seneng dan akan terus
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Sha Aullia

Hi Babes!
I am Sha Aullia, Capricorn and born in Jakarta, 27 December 1989. I am from Indonesia and live in Jakarta. Beach admirer, leather jacket and makeup junkie. Blogging since 2012 until now. My blog is about travel, beauty, fashion etc. I accept any endorsement/collaboration/paid project related to lifestyle content. Sponsored post or not, all opinions are as always truthful and based on my personal experience. Thank you!
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PR / Business / Queries / Media Kit contact me at shaaullia@gmail.com