Whoaa this is 2:24 AM and I can't sleep! Okay, it's time to blogging peeps! Hahaha , oh HELLO Insomnia! so yeah, seperti yang udah pernah aku post di Instagramku @aulliasha yaitu fashion event yang aku hadiri beberapa hari lalu. BILLY TJONG FOR ZALORA Launching Event at SKYE, Menara BCA 56th floor, was a fabulous fashion event ever! the amount of guests were huge and so fashionable! I spotted so many fashion blogger there, maybe I was the only one beauty blogger ? But it's alright... First , I wanna say congratulations for ZALORA who made such a great event like this. I hope ZALORA Indonesia won't regret for invited me there :D do not hesitate for having me in your event again *cheers*

Zalora invited me specially by email first and luckily me, I won the last entry for instagram quiz which has been held by ZALORA Indonesia. So, I got two tickets in me. But I came alone, because I have no friend to go out with me *sigh*

Untungnya ada Kania, yang tiba-tiba ngajak ketemuan disana, dia juga diundang ke event ini dan janjian deh via whatsapp. Thank you my dear for being so adorable and friendly :)

She's so beautiful, right?
Okay let me tell you two things! First, I changed my sweater once. I prefer the black to gray :D the second is I didn't wear full make up because in a hurry, no hair dressed at all, sweating face and like that. HAHAHAHA I don't care at all, ini gaya favoritku, very casual. But next time, NO! I promise I won't this "ugly" anymore.

with black sweater at the photo booth ^^

And the rest of the post you will see me with the black one, okay? lol.

Mango Waterfall Cardigan (Black) , H&M Sweater (chocolate), Forever21 grey skinny jeans, Forever 21 Tan Off Roading Wedge Booties
Btw I love this boots! I love the material, it's suede and the tan color... perfect for casual outfit!

source here
So , the event was amazing! so many fashionistas, great drinks, foods and cupcakes! I was so excited and took many pics at that time. I am sorry for the camera quality, I know it's not the best but please enjoy! ^^

The smiley person with microphone! Yes, He is Billy Tjong!

Love this floral outerwear, especially the prints!

Cynthia Ramlan on the spot!

And then Nindy, Indonesian Singer ^^

The barbie! Ussy Pratama...

Melissa Karim, she's so cute by the way :)

Here's Julia Peres with the designer, Billy Tjong!

All the front models are Indonesian Celebrities except Billy.

with ZALORA team and Billy Tjong

And it's finished! So crowded and so fun! totally a great event from Billy Tjong and Zalora. I love how Billy Tjong combine the colours , I love his taste. Perpaduan warna yang kontras antara Hitam, Hijau, Navy Blue, Dark Blue, Pink, Red, Yellow... very rich of colours! Materialnya juga nyaman dan cocok buat iklim Indonesia yang super hot. Dan yang bikin jatuh cinta adalah desainnya, ada nuansa edgy dan glamour yang lumayan berasa saat melihat presentasinya but still... modern. Kreasi print yang unik dan engga biasa, membuat hasil karya Billy Tjong tetap elegan dan terlihat mahal, walaupun koleksi ini sekarang sudah affordable dan bisa dibeli di ZALORA Indonesia. Koleksi dari Billy ini dinamakan Autumn-Rythm, pas banget buat kamu yang suka warna-warna cerah, elegan, dan dengan detail print yang sangat fashionable. Buat kamu-kamu yang mau punya koleksi spesial dari Billy Tjong ini, bisa dibeli disini

So what are you waiting for, ladies? kapan lagi bisa beli rancangan desainer kenamaan Billy Tjong dengan mudah dan melalui online? And the good news, Zalora Indonesia juga suka memberikan special discount buat kamu yang baru pertama kali belanja loh! Yes, we love discount! <3

This blog post is not sponsored or affiliated with Zalora Indonesia. I am not being paid for this.


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