Hey, beauty readers... post kali ini hanya iseng-iseng kelanjutan dari post sebelumnya disini , this is my RED and NERD LOOK, hope you like my make up! :)

Adonan sih masih ga berubah, like my previous post, cuma ini lipstiknya antara in the red (aku olesin tipis2 ke bibir pake tangan) trus aku timpa yg mauve it over tipis2 juga, trus aku dab tissue... abis itu aku olesin lagi si In the red lebih tebel, and yaa..this is the final look!
Warna merah bercampur nude, hasilnya....taraaa~ tetep mere~ hehehe but I Lurv this look so much, my simple make up with winged eyeliner and red lipstick, ya, this is how you wear red lipstick :)



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