REVIEW : Gobdigoun Aging Corrector Skin Milk Conditioner and Facial Lotion PAD (Korean Skincare)

Well, if you remember that I ever mentioned the products from @gobdigoun9 like a year ago and I got a bunch of their skincare products and one of them was Goat Milk Series. They're Aging Corrector Skin Milk Conditioner and Facial Lotion. Goat milk is biologically similar to human breast milk, ceramide and milk ceramide and milk protein extract are easily and smoothly absolved in skin to soften the dermal condition. Also, niacinamide,vitamin-c and white flower, lily of the valley and lily magnolia flower help brighten up your skin.

You can read my old post here, I also shared my Korean Skincare Routine include step by step there.

And now they finally launched Aging Corrector Skin Milk Conditioner and Facial Lotion PAD! YES, A PAD 💕One textured side for the first application and then a non-textured side. So simple and travel friendly, you can bring the sachet one and put on your bag wherever you go.

There are two big reasons you need to try this:

1. Fast and quickly calm your skin problems for a smooth, beautiful makeup.
2. Experience the simple and easy way of skincare in matter of minutes.

FIRST IMPRESSION: Well, I'm so impressed! It gives a glow to my skin like only in a second. This is something you need to give an extra boost and hydration to the skin. Dry skin would love this Goat Milk Aging Corrector Skin Milk Conditioner and Lotion as much as I do even though I'm the girl who stuck with oily skin and acne prone.

The Result:

This is my bare face after applied Skin Milk Conditioner & Facial Lotion PAD from Gobdigoun. You'll see my skin not only softer but also glowing. Because I have an oily skin so I only need one PAD for my daily skincare routine (I apply it every night before go to sleep). It has all the hydrating goodness you crave without greasy feeling in your face. Before I start this skincare regime, I notice my patchy and dull looking skin. Thanks God Gobdigoun sent me this product again and let me try it for a month. Now I feel my skin is smoother and brighter, my complexion is a way better than before!
Oh and don't forget to drink 8-10 glasses of water to keep your skin hydrated. Drinking water gives you a radiant, healthy and younger looking complexion. So are you ready to achieve glowing skin?

You can buy here:
Official Website :

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Established in 2010, Gobdigoun started its Skin Care business in Korea. The products are now being distributed in Myeong-Dong, Seoul, South Korea, in the LG groups brand "Skin Care Product Store".


1 comment

  1. sha, aktifin GFC donk biar aku bisa subs blog kamu :( biar nggak ketinggalan postingan kamu


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